Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to take a moment to send out a friendly reminder to the Redmond Ridge and Lake Marcel communities. I have met many of you and I appreciate the e-mails, phone calls and updates. Your input has greatly assisted me in some arrests, and I look forward to future cooperation. With the warmer weather on the way remember to shut you garage doors in the evenings. It is a sad fact the criminals will drive through neighborhoods looking for an unsecure garages. I often take burglary reports of this manner. I would also advise against leaving valuables in your vehicles. A car window can be defeated in seconds, YouTube has numerous examples of this. It only takes a few seconds to reach inside and remove whatever caught their attention. Sheds and out buildings often contain tools, It’s a good idea to secure them. Take a few moments and write down the serial numbers of the higher dollar items. Feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone with your concerns.
Deputy T.M. McDonald Cell (206)255-2454 E-Mail
King County Sheriff’s Office, 18118 73rd Ave NE Kenmore, WA. 98028