Monthly Fish Survey

Sawyer's big catch in Lake Marcel
King County received a grant from the Freshwater Algae Control Grant Program by the Washington State Department of Ecology to prepare the Lake Marcel Cyanobacteria Management Plan (CMP). The Lake Marcel CMP will develop a management strategy and plan to reduce the frequency and duration of toxigenic algae blooms and restore recreational use. This project will collect scientific data to identify sources of phosphorus, understand the causes of cyanobacteria blooms, and build on past management actions of Lake Marcel to meet this project goal. King County’s Lake Stewardship Monitoring Program/Water and Land Resource Division, the environmental consultant, Herrera, and the Lake Marcel Community are all working together to meet project goals.
As part of the 2022 Lake Marcel Quality Assurance Project Plan, the Lake Marcel Community Club is conducting surveys of anyone who fishes in Lake Marcel. This angler (or creel) survey will be used to identify fishing interests, activity, and fish populations throughout the year. The survey is anonymous to encourage honest participation. This survey will be sent on a monthly schedule. Please fill out and submit the survey every month with new information.
The form can be found at this link:
Thanks for your participation!
Information about Fish Surveys
Message from Wafa Tafesh, King County water quality planner:
In addition to waterfowl counts, LMCC will conduct surveys of lake residents who fish in the lake. These angler (or creel) surveys will be used to identify fishing interests and activity and fish populations throughout the year. The angler surveys will be anonymous to encourage honest participation. Angler survey methods will include contacting LMCC members by email and newsletters and requesting all anglers to submit a survey form by email on a monthly basis for all 12 months of the year. The monthly angler form will request the number of fishing days, targeted fish species, number and size of each fish species caught and retained.
The LMCC will continue to maintain trout stocking data to include the stocking date, number, and size. Trout stocking data will be used together with the creel data to evaluate potential effects of stocked trout and resident fish on the cyanobacteria blooms in the lake.
The Freshwater Fish Identification page can be found at the following link: