CAUTION: blue/green algae has been spotted in Lake Marcel swim area at beach one and other parts of the lake. A sample tested by the County and we received the results on June 26th 2014 indicating that Microcystin is less than detectable, and anatoxin is right at the lower limit of detection threshold, so the lake should be safe for recreation this weekend with no problem from harmful algae blooms. Testing over the summer weeks will continue and any news/updates/advisories will be communicated via email and posted to the website.
Last summer, (2013) Blue Green algae was found later in the summer that was found to produce Toxins, which are rare but are not understood why some strains produce the toxins and some don’t. Symptoms that can arise are nausea, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, and dermatitis. Worse case, dogs are more prone to die because they drink the water. We will keep you updated with the sample results.