Board Meetings
Monthly Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month, online via Teams. Attending these meetings is a great way to communicate your concerns, comments, and questions to the board. If you are unable to attend you can drop a note by the office, e-mail, or call us.
Executive Committee:
President: Laura Davis
Vice President: Travis Johnson
Treasurer: Brian Blomquist
Executive Secretary: Nicole Roehrig
Other Directors: Karen Giluck, Doug Lapchis, Christopher Galeucia, Andy Simms, Kristine Gilreath
LMCC Employees:
Office Manager: Sharon Blomquist
Handyman: Robb McColley
LMCC Webmaster:
Ann Marie Gill, Cascade Valley Designs
Contractors with LMCC:
Lawn Care: Bella Vista Landscaping Services, LLC
Architectural Control Committee: (Chair), Karen Giluck, Christopher Galeucia
Governing Documents Committee: (Chair), Travis Johnson, Nicole Roehrig, Abram Jackson, Frankie Tipton
Gov Docs roles and responsibilities
Community Events: Nicole Roehrig (Chair), Sharon Blomquist, Olivia Boggs, Laura Davis
Community Events Role and Responsibilities
Community Relations: Karen Giluck (Chair), Laura Davis
Emergency Response Subcommittee: Carol Luft
Facilities and Grounds Maintenance: Laura Davis, (Chair), Art Grabb, Peter Templin, Butch Varga, John Schneider, David Buchart
Lake and Dam Committee: Travis Johnson (Chair), Peter Templin, Shelly Adams, Andy Wones, Art Grabb, Jeff Dwyer, Julie Perry
Technical Committee: Andy Simms (Chair), Kristine Gilreath
Finance Committee: Brian Blomquist (Chair), Susie Roberts,