Download Form or fill out form online below.
- All boats used on the lake by members are required to be registered.
This includes:- Boat(s) trailered to the lake
- Boat(s) stored at the beaches
- Boat(s) maintained at lake front houses and/or property
- Any boat(s) used n the lake
- Registration is free and is valid for the duration of club membership.
- A registration sticker(s) with specific registration number will be returned to you for placement on boat(s).
- Unregistered boats stored at the LM beaches will be removed from premises.
- Boat(s) will be removed an placed in storage at owners expense. Additional fees may apply.
- When or if owner can be identified, a certified letter will be sent indicating status of unregistered boat(s).
- Member will have 60 days, unclaimed boats will be auctioned off to interested community members with proceeds from sale being applied to accrued storage fees, fines or disposal fees.
- Any unregistered boats found adrift throughout the year will follow the protocol as listed above.
- MCC takes no responsibility for theft of damage to boats used on the lake or stored at the beaches
- All boats used on the lake by members are required to be registered.
***You will receive a copy of your submission via email if filled out online
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