This is an internet discussion group that encourages neighbors to share information about safety, crime and inclement weather, etc. Exchanging this information will help neighbors to be more aware of what is happening in the region and to be better prepared in making their homes and neighborhoods Continue Reading …
Latest News
**Bulletin Board Guidelines: HOW TO SUBMIT**
Our Web site mission is to provide a valuable resource to the Lake Marcel Community and to foster a healthy community. Our Bulletin Board was created for the posting of want ads and helpful advice. However, it is not a discussion board. Postings are moderated and will be screened for language Continue Reading …
Boat Registration
Boat Registration is required to ensure the use of Lake Marcel only by LMCC members; to be able to identify and return boats set adrift; and to remove boats abandoned or left derelict at the beaches. All boats used on the lake by members are required to be registered. Thisincludes; Boats Continue Reading …
A Message from Deputy McDonald, King County Sheriff’s Office
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to take a moment to send out a friendly reminder to the Redmond Ridge and Lake Marcel communities. I have met many of you and I appreciate the e-mails, phone calls and updates. Your input has greatly assisted me in some arrests, and I look forward to future Continue Reading …
Contact Information for King County Roads Maintenance
On February 1, 2 and 3 a street sweeper came through the neighborhood cleaning the side streets and walking paths at the request of LMCC. If you notice your road needs maintenance such as sanding, plowing, sweeping or cutting back blackberry bushes, please contact King County Roads Maintenance by Continue Reading …
Duvall Fire Dept. responds to 911 call at Beach 1
On January 1st a few young adults walked out onto the frozen lake at beach 1. When they fell through the ice some made it to shore while a few made it to the floating dock. The Fire Department responded to the 911 called and successfully rescued the people on the floating dock. Once on shore they Continue Reading …
Beavers in Lake Marcel
Beavers have been less active this winter along the lake’s north shore near the island. Continue Reading …
Speeding – An Ongoing Problem at Lake Marcel
Lake Marcel is a beautiful place to live, but one of our most frequent complaints is of cars driving at unsafe speeds through our neighborhood. Please remember that the speed limit is 25 mph throughout Lake Marcel's boundaries. We pride our neighborhood's safe and peaceful roads. If you sight a Continue Reading …
Sign Vandalism – What You Can Do
Many signs were forcibly knocked down within the Lake Marcel neighborhood during the month of December. Numerous calls have been made to the King County Dept. of Transportation Sign Maintenance department, but to date only the Stop signs have been restored. What can you do? First, if you have any Continue Reading …